Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I love this video! It brought tears to my eyes and warmth to my heart. I've never talked about my leg before on my blog and I realized the other day I'm tiered of telling the story or explaining it. So let me explain what this video has to do with my leg. On January 1, 2008 I was in a quad accident. The quad flipped and shattered my left leg. Since then I have had three surgeries and one procedure. I will spare you the gory details. I have been in physical therapy for a year and half. I am now down to two days a week. Woo hoo! I still have a gate A.K.A limp and it is quite pronounced by the end of the day! I will never be able to run again, so it was a good thing I did my first and last 5K in Georgia. It was the first time I ran anything longer than a mile and the last because I swore, I would never run anything close to a 5K or more again. So I crossed my "marathon" off my list of things I wanted to do. So as far as running I am completely O.K. without being able to run again. My true love is swimming and I can swim to my hearts content. Since this accident though, I have had the hardest time doing things I love. Sewing, Quilting, Scrapbooking, and Painting my house. I have always had the inside of my house painted. I love color. It says so much about you and I believe it brings happiness inside your home. Well I can't pick a color and I feel like I have lost all creative juices that used to flow through my mind but, this video brought something back to me today. Please enjoy it and find your creative outlet. And by the way if anyone has a great paint color please email it to me. I'm in the mood to paint!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Birthday Party and The Culprit

Mackenzie had a great Birthday Party last Friday. Thanks to everyone who came we had a great time!

Mackenzie and all of her Peeps. We gave Peeps candy for their take home.

We watched a movie on a projector in the living room everyone got Glow necklaces and bracelets. The girls got adventurous and tried to turn them into a Glow wardrobe. Mackenzie became the model.

Here are the fashionista's all together.

While the party was going on Christopher was up to his own tricks. Hmmm there is a choclate cake, that sounds good.

Uh oh, I've been caught brown handed!

Oh Well, It still tastes good.

After all it is a party!

Matt had to go out and buy another Choclate Cake.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Sweet Mackenzie!

Happy 9th Birthday Mackenzie! I can't believe my girl is 9 years old, but she is. I love you so much! I love the person you are becoming, you have such love and passion for life. This is such a special day for you to celebrate your birthday on. Always remember that your savior loves you, there is no greater love in the whole world than this. Have fun today and enjoy being 9.

Mackenzie's Top 5 Things!

1. Piano
2. Reading
3. Webkinz
4. Chocolate
5. Bacon

Happy Easter

I am grateful today! Today we have the opportunity to celebrate the greatest gift that was given to us. Our Savior. I thank God everyday for this gift. Without this gift I wouldn't be who I am. I wouldn't be able to make mistakes, to learn and grow. I wouldn't be forgiven or learn to forgive. For this reason I love my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He suffered for my sins, he died on the cross for me, and then he arose three days later. He gives me and others great hope, love, and charity. We love you all have a wonderful Easter!