Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sleep Deprivation

HELP! For the last two nights my little man has been sleeping awful! He was my best crib baby. He has slept through the night since he was 4 months old. He is now 2 and I feel like I have a newborn again. I update my blog with him in my arms trying to go to sleep. This is completely unusual for him. He was never a snuggler, always independent and curious. Now he lays here, part of me loving it and another part just a little bit annoyed. Isn't this how motherhood goes? Just when you think you have them figured out they surprise you.


karin said...

Motherhood is funny like that. Hopefully this isn't something that lasts long, just enough for you to enjoy the snuggling.

nate and marne said...

i'm sorry! i know how hard going without sleep is! rachel was awful since she was born, and now that i weaned her, she sleeps great, with 2 naps during the day! i'm wondering why i didn't do this sooner??

Jaime said...

Enjoy the snuggling! Hopefully it's just a phase, Tannon is like that sometimes, he is my worst sleeper! Just give him benedryl....jk....maybe.....!!

Jade said...

It probably just a phase. Just remember, like that country song says, "it won't be like this for long". Enjoy it. Before you know it, he'll be 10 years old and won't let you hug him in public! LOL!!

But, since you do need at least SOME sleep....

Do you move him to his bed after he falls asleep? Or have you tried laying with him in his bed until he falls asleep? I used to lay with them in there bed, until they fell asleep. After doing that for a few weeks, I would lay with them for just a few minutes. Then, when I got up, if they weren't asleep yet, I would whisper and tell them I would be back to check them in a minute. They were usually asleep by the time I went and checked them. It worked really well for me.

Good luck!! :)

Pugslvr said...

My 3 year old Ethan sleeps thru the night but has been waking up at 6am or 7am which is way too early for me. I have friends whose kids sleep in til 9 or 10am.